Work for this life as though you are going to live forever; and
Work for the Next life as though you will die tomorrow.
~Imam Ali (as)
It is often said that our lives can be summed up in three days: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Yesterday is that which has past, as no longer of any use to us, except to learn from it. Tomorrow is the future, and it is uncertain if we will get to it since we have no control over the time of our death. But for now, we have today, and today is the only thing that you own and have control over.
If we were to remember this constantly, we would spend our lifetime a lot more wisely. In the words of Rasul (s) as quoted by Abu Dharr al Ghiffary he says:
"Take advantage of five opportunities before five other things:
Your youth before your senescence, your health before your illness, your wealth before your poverty, your leisure before your haste, and your life before your death."
Today, we have our health of body and mind (alhamdulillah), are we using it in the correct way? Or do we waste it on doing wrong, or doing nothing? If we have the means to make a difference in the lives of others, are we using it for that, or do we spend it all on this world's frivolities, giving just enough to ease the guilty conscience that casts a shadow on our excesses. For example, if you can afford to go for Hajj every year, and ziyarah five times a year, do you think the Prophet or the Aimmah (as) would be happy with you visiting them every year, yet you do nothing to ease the affliction of those around you in life. You leave their followers to starve, go unclothed, remain unmarried or homeless because of lack of a means of livelihood, and then go to their tombs and cry: "O Master, Here I am, ready to assist you and sacrifice my life in your way!" Their way?? Their way fed the orphans, and looked after the needy, and clothed and sheltered the homeless. Of course, if you are able to assist others and go and visit the holy sites, you are doubly blessed and should be grateful for this bounty by making use of the opportunities He (swt) has made available to you.
Tomorrow, or the future is not yours for sure. At a moment, your life could end, so it becomes an exercise in futility to spend your lifetime planning for the future. Do what you can now, plan for the everlasting future with urgency, because you may well be breathing your last breaths as you read this, or I, as I write this. Imam Ali (as) says:
"If man perceived his death and its speed towards him, he would certainly detest the world and its hopes."
Today, the moment for repentance for our yesterday is ours. We are well aware of our deeds and misdeeds, yet we postpone repenting for them, putting it off for a tomorrow that is not certain. Rasul (s) has warned us about the effects of such a postponement. He says: "The sigh of the people of Hell is mostly because of the postponement of repenting." [Al Mahajjatul Baydhaa]
Imam Ali (as) also warns us against this where he says: "Do not be among those people who want to gain good returns without working hard for them, who have long hopes and keep on postponing repentance and penance." He further says: "How numerous procrastinators there are who postpone (repenting and doing good deeds) until when death overtakes them!"
Another effect of selling our next life for this world is that we will most certainly lose in this world too. Take the example of an alcoholic who gave in to the desires of this world not caring about the next; what is his end? As Imam Ali (as) says: "He who sells his next life for this present life in this world, loses both of them!"
In order to effectively make use of our today, we must eliminate all traces of love for this world from our heart. Love of this world has only negative effects. Imam Sadiq (as) warns us: "He who devotes his heart to this world will be subjected to three conditions: endless grief, unquenchable desire, and futile hope."
In addition, we must make sure that our today is better than our yesterday. The Holy Prophet (s) says: "He whose two days (of life) are the same (making no spiritual progress) is at loss." What major spiritual progress have we made in the years that are now part of our yesterday?
As Shahr Ramadhan approaches, we must ask ourselves, how was my Shahr Ramadhan of yesterday (yesteryears)? We all know of so many who were with us in the last season, and will not be fasting with us this year, either because they have gone before us to meet our Maker, or because health does not allow them to fast this year. Learning from this lesson, how can we best utilise the bounties of our Lord in benefiting from this Shahr Ramadhan of today, as it may well be our last. We have no assurance that we will be there for the next one, or if we will be in the state of physical or mental health to be able to reap from its bounteous mercies.
A final piece of advice: Learn from, and repent for your yesterday as you make use of your today, and plan for your tomorrow.
May Allah (swt) grant us success in His way.
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